TeX 1995 July
TeX CD-ROM July 1995 (Disc 1)(Walnut Creek)(1995).ISO
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C/C++ Source or Header
555 lines
/* This was originally pktopx in C by Tomas Rokicki */
This version converted for DVItoVDU and ported to BSD and System V UNIX by
some chaps at Kernel Technology up to September 1989. Contact
mjh@uk.co.kernel (Mark J. Hewitt) with bug fixes etc.
Involved were: Mark J. Hewitt
Dave Dixon
Marc Hadley
#include "def.h"
static char *sccsid[] = "@(#)pktopx.c 1.1";
#ifdef USG
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h> /* definitions needed for chmod(2) */
#endif /* USG */
#define NAMELENGTH 80
#define MAXDIV32 100
#define ONEFOURTH 1073741824
#define INCR(a) (a++)
#define DECR(a) (a--)
#define ROUND(a) ((int)(a+0.5))
/* values for access(2) `amode' argument */
#define FILE_EXISTS 00
#define FILE_READABLE 04
/* values returned by openpxlfile() */
typedef int integer;
typedef unsigned char quarterword;
typedef char boolean;
typedef quarterword eightbits;
typedef FILE * bytefile;
bytefile pxlfile;
bytefile pkfile;
char pxlname[81], pkname[81];
integer pxlloc, pkloc;
integer magnification;
integer designsize;
integer checksum;
integer hppp, vppp;
/* integer i, j; */
integer endofpacket;
integer rasterpointer[128];
integer sizes[128];
integer offsets[128];
integer tfmwidth[128];
integer dynf;
integer car;
integer cheight, cwidth;
integer wordwidth;
integer horesc;
integer packetlength;
eightbits inputbyte;
eightbits bitweight;
integer row[101];
integer word;
integer wordweight;
integer power[32];
integer gpower[33];
integer repeatcount;
integer rowsleft;
boolean turnon;
integer hbit;
integer count;
integer rp;
integer dirptr;
integer flagbyte;
integer haveext;
integer lastext;
int gargc;
char **gargv;
initialize ()
integer i;
power[0] = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= 30; i++)
power[i] = power[i - 1] * 2;
gpower[0] = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 32; i++)
gpower[i] = gpower[i - 1] + power[
i - 1];
for (i = 0; i <= 127; i++)
rasterpointer[i] = 0;
jumpout ()
exit (1);
openpxlfile ()
if(access(pxlname, FILE_EXISTS) == 0 &&
access(pxlname, FILE_READABLE) == 0)
else if((pxlfile = fopen (pxlname, "w")) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "can't write PXL file %s\n", pxlname);
pxlloc = 0;
void openpkfile ()
if((pkfile = fopen (pkname, "r")) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "can't read PK file %s\n", pkname);
pkloc = 0;
pixelinteger (i)
integer i;
(void) putc ((char) ((i >> 24) & 255), pxlfile);
(void) putc ((char) ((i >> 16) & 255), pxlfile);
(void) putc ((char) ((i >> 8) & 255), pxlfile);
(void) putc ((char) (i & 255), pxlfile);
INCR (pxlloc);
eightbits pkbyte ()
INCR (pkloc);
return (getc (pkfile));
integer get16 ()
integer a;
a = pkbyte ();
return (a * 256 + pkbyte ());
integer get32 ()
integer a;
a = get16 ();
if (a > 32767)
a = a - 65536;
return (a * 65536 + get16 ());
integer getnyb ()
eightbits temp;
if (bitweight == 0)
inputbyte = pkbyte ();
bitweight = 16;
temp = inputbyte / bitweight;
inputbyte = inputbyte - temp * bitweight;
bitweight = bitweight / 16;
return (temp);
boolean getbit ()
boolean temp;
bitweight = bitweight / 2;
if (bitweight == 0)
inputbyte = pkbyte ();
bitweight = 128;
temp = inputbyte >= bitweight;
if (temp)
inputbyte = inputbyte - bitweight;
return (temp);
integer pkpackednum ()
integer i, j;
i = getnyb ();
if (i == 0)
j = getnyb ();
INCR (i);
} while (!(j != 0));
while (i > 0)
j = j * 16 + getnyb ();
DECR (i);
return (j - 15 + (13 - dynf) * 16 + dynf);
if (i <= dynf)
return (i);
if (i < 14)
return ((i - dynf - 1) * 16 + getnyb () + dynf + 1
if (i == 14)
repeatcount = pkpackednum ();
repeatcount = 1;
return (pkpackednum ());
skipspecials ()
integer i, j;
flagbyte = pkbyte ();
if (flagbyte >= 240)
switch (flagbyte)
case 240:
case 241:
case 242:
case 243:
i = 0;
for (j = 240; j <= flagbyte; j++)
i = 256 * i + pkbyte ();
for (j = 1; j <= i; j++)
(void) pkbyte ();
case 244:
i = get32 ();
case 245:
case 246:
case 247:
case 248:
case 249:
case 250:
case 251:
case 252:
case 253:
case 254:
case 255:
(void) printf (" Unexpected %d!\n", flagbyte);
jumpout ();
} while (!((flagbyte < 240) || (flagbyte == 245)));
dialog ()
integer i;
if ((gargc < 2) || (gargc > 3))
(void) printf (" Usage: pktopx pkfile[.pk] [pxlfile[.nnnnpxl]]\n")
jumpout ();
(void) strcpy (pkname, gargv[1]);
lastext = -1;
i = 0;
while (pkname[i] != 0)
if (pkname[i] == '.')
lastext = i;
if (pkname[i] == '/')
lastext = -1;
INCR (i);
if (lastext == -1)
(void) strcpy (pkname + i, ".pk");
lastext = i;
if (gargc == 3)
(void) strcpy (pxlname, gargv[2]);
haveext = TRUE;
(void) strcpy (pxlname, pkname);
haveext = FALSE;
int pktopx (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
integer i, j;
gargc = argc;
gargv = argv;
initialize ();
dialog ();
openpkfile ();
if (pkbyte () != 247)
(void) printf (" Bad pk file! pre command missing.\n");
jumpout ();
if (pkbyte () != 89)
(void) printf (" Wrong version of packed file!.\n");
jumpout ();
j = pkbyte ();
for (i = 1; i <= j; i++)
hppp = pkbyte ();
designsize = get32 ();
checksum = get32 ();
hppp = get32 ();
vppp = get32 ();
if (hppp != vppp)
(void) printf ("Warning: aspect ratio not 1:1!\n");
magnification = ROUND (hppp * 72.27 * 5 / 65536);
if (!haveext)
i = ROUND (hppp * 72.27 * 5 / 65536);
(void) sprintf (pxlname + lastext, ".%dpxl", i);
if(openpxlfile () == PXL_FILE_EXISTS)
(void) fclose(pkfile);
pixelinteger (1001);
skipspecials ();
while (flagbyte != 245)
dynf = flagbyte / 16;
flagbyte = flagbyte % 16;
turnon = flagbyte >= 8;
if (turnon)
flagbyte = flagbyte - 8;
if (flagbyte == 7)
packetlength = get32 ();
car = get32 ();
endofpacket = packetlength + pkloc;
if ((car > 127) || (car < 0))
goto lab9997;
tfmwidth[car] = get32 ();
horesc = get32 ();
i = get32 ();
cwidth = get32 ();
cheight = get32 ();
if ((cwidth < 0) || (cheight < 0) || (cwidth > 65535) || (
cheight > 65535))
goto lab9997;
wordwidth = (cwidth + 31) / 32;
sizes[car] = cwidth * 65536 + cheight;
i = get32 ();
j = get32 ();
if (j < 0)
j = j + 65536;
offsets[car] = i * 65536 + j;
if (flagbyte > 3)
packetlength = (flagbyte - 4) * 65536 + get16 ();
car = pkbyte ();
endofpacket = packetlength + pkloc;
if (car > 127)
goto lab9997;
i = pkbyte ();
tfmwidth[car] = i * 65536 + get16 ();
horesc = get16 ();
cwidth = get16 ();
cheight = get16 ();
wordwidth = (cwidth + 31) / 32;
sizes[car] = cwidth * 65536 + cheight;
i = get16 ();
j = get16 ();
if (i > 32767)
i = i - 65536;
offsets[car] = i * 65536 + j;
packetlength = flagbyte * 256 + pkbyte ();
car = pkbyte ();
endofpacket = packetlength + pkloc;
if (car > 127)
goto lab9997;
i = pkbyte ();
tfmwidth[car] = i * 65536 + get16 ();
horesc = pkbyte ();
cwidth = pkbyte ();
cheight = pkbyte ();
wordwidth = (cwidth + 31) / 32;
sizes[car] = cwidth * 65536 + cheight;
i = pkbyte ();
j = pkbyte ();
if (i > 127)
i = i - 256;
if (j > 127)
j = j + 255 * 256;
offsets[car] = i * 65536 + j;
if (rasterpointer[car] != 0)
(void) printf (" Second time this character used!\n");
jumpout ();
rasterpointer[car] = pxlloc;
bitweight = 0;
if (dynf == 14)
bitweight = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= cheight; i++)
word = 0;
wordweight = 31;
for (j = 1; j <= cwidth; j++)
if (getbit ())
word = word + power[wordweight];
wordweight = wordweight - 1;
if (wordweight == -1)
pixelinteger (word);
word = 0;
wordweight = 31;
if (wordweight < 31)
pixelinteger (word);
rowsleft = cheight;
hbit = cwidth;
repeatcount = 0;
wordweight = 32;
word = 0;
rp = 1;
while (rowsleft > 0)
count = pkpackednum ();
while (count > 0)
if ((count < wordweight) && (count < hbit))
if (turnon)
word = word + gpower[wordweight] - gpower
[wordweight - count];
hbit = hbit - count;
wordweight = wordweight - count;
count = 0;
if ((count >= hbit) && (hbit <= wordweight))
if (turnon)
word = word + gpower[wordweight] - gpower
[wordweight - hbit];
row[rp] = word;
for (i = 0; i <= repeatcount; i++)
for (j = 1; j <=
wordwidth; j++)
pixelinteger (row[j]);
rowsleft = rowsleft - repeatcount - 1;
repeatcount = 0;
rp = 1;
word = 0;
wordweight = 32;
count = count - hbit;
hbit = cwidth;
if (turnon)
word = word + gpower[wordweight];
row[rp] = word;
rp = rp + 1;
word = 0;
count = count - wordweight;
hbit = hbit - wordweight;
wordweight = 32;
turnon = !turnon;
if ((rowsleft != 0) || (hbit != cwidth))
(void) printf (" Bad pk file---more bits than required!\n");
jumpout ();
if (endofpacket != pkloc)
(void) printf (" Bad pk file! Bad packet length.\n");
jumpout ();
goto lab9998;
lab9997: while (pkloc != endofpacket)
i = pkbyte ();
(void) printf ("Character %d out of range!\n", car);
lab9998: skipspecials ();
while (!feof (pkfile))
i = pkbyte ();
DECR (pkloc);
dirptr = pxlloc;
for (car = 0; car <= 127; car++)
pixelinteger (sizes[car]);
pixelinteger (offsets[car]);
pixelinteger (rasterpointer[car]);
pixelinteger (tfmwidth[car]);
pixelinteger (checksum);
pixelinteger (magnification);
pixelinteger (designsize);
pixelinteger (dirptr);
pixelinteger (1001);
(void) fclose (pxlfile);
(void) fclose (pkfile);